Keynote speeches
These are the most popular topics of Olivier’s keynotes:
Transforming while Performing
- SEE what’s happening on the Outside
- Personal Transformation. The Anatomy of a Transformer – How Do You Transform Yourself First?
- Business Transformation. Make it a Strategic Capability – How Do You Turn Transforming into Performing?
- Transform (innovation excellence) while Performing (operational excellence)
SEE what’s happening on the Outside
- The Supply & Demand Mega-Trends
Digital, Changing Demographics, Socio-Economic, Geo-Political, IR4.0, the Green planet, Pandemics and Wars - Its Impact on Society, Industry, The Future of Work and on your industry
Understand how to RESPOND
- Transform (innovation excellence) while Performing (operational excellence)
- Personal Transformation. The Anatomy of a Transformer – How Do You Transform Yourself First?
- Business Transformation. Make it a Strategic Capability – How Do You Turn Transforming into Performing?
- Culture Transformation. Heartset, Mindset and Actionset – How Do You Start Changing Behaviours?
Successful transformations
- What can you learn from the top 20 business transformation of the past decade?
- Steve Jobs and Elon Musk: Visionaries in Engineering
The Microsoft Story
How they succeeded to hit refresh over and over
Visual Storytelling & Selling
Shoot for the heart, capture the mind and end with a smile. Communicating your ideas is the currency of today to evolve your personal and business brand.

Get in touch
You can contact me for coaching, keynotes, workshops or events.
Get in touch and I’ll be happy to help.